Friday, December 16, 2005

Actions speak, thoughts dont !!!

Yeah, my first blog after... hmmm??? lemme think??.... yeah, a little over 1 year of deciding to blog !!! Man, a few people sure will be excited !!!

Its Friday morning and there's a light snowfall outside. The weather's perfect for a swim followed by a sauna, a beer perhaps and definitely some kalmi kebab, but then, being me, you have other important things to do, like go check out new apartments, get lost and return to office, only to find out some frustrating mails, that wud make you see red and darker colours of the colour spectrum!! Well, I know life sucks...If it didnt, we wud all fall off the face of earth. Anyway, its the weekend and "COMETH THE WEEKEND, COMETH THE BEER" !!! Yeaaaaahhh !!!!!

So well, gettin back to the subject of my blog, I guess I made my point :D

Wud have been nice if I cud apply the same principle to other things in life!!! , but then who would go checking out new apartments!!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey ! congrats buddy ! I sure am in the excited list :) Please continue, don't just let this be a start and then fizzle out!
And when you have already started, please turn on word verification for your comments if you don't want spam.

5:05 AM  
Blogger Deepak said...

LK gubsdy+++ ! welcome ! vankkam!

12:52 AM  

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